Alex Barrouk

As the founder of Listen Louder, ABCD, and its consulting services suite, Alex possesses a distinctive expertise that resides at the intersection of organizational design, business strategy, and psychology. He guides organizations and individuals in diagnosing challenges, crafting strategies, charting out actionable plans, and realizing their objectives. His approach not only steers them toward their desired destinations but also cultivates healthier dynamics and growth-driven models. Alex’s perspective and systems transcend current limitations, perceiving the latent potential within people, systems, and organizations.

With a rich multicultural background, Alex has led a group of adept professionals to champion diversity as a paramount agenda for numerous organizations. Their collaborative efforts have resulted in tangible and measurable implementation strategies that prioritize diversity.

Over his career, Alex has honed his expertise in diverse domains such as organizational design, change management, leadership development, business administration, project management, and psychology. These proficiencies, coupled with his commitment to continuous learning, have culminated in a unique consulting methodology. This methodology accentuates the synergy between visionary thinking and effective execution, interweaving principles of organizational psychology and leadership enhancement.

Alex’s clientele includes prominent decision-makers spanning a spectrum of medium to larger organizations. His ability in untangling complex challenges and devising strategic pathways has been attested across various cultures, countries, and organizational landscapes. Notably, Alex contributes to the Coaching Bureau within Gonzaga University’s Leadership Training and Development department.

Driven by a diverse cultural heritage encompassing French, Middle Eastern/North African, and American influences, Alex’s unique approach resonates deeply with the intricacies of business and organizational dynamics, individual coaching, compelling storytelling, purpose finding and alignment, and finance and strategy. The Listen Louder consulting services suite caters to investors, venture capital portfolios, midsize companies, and large-scale corporations or nonprofits, reflecting Alex’s unwavering dedication to driving excellence and innovation.